
Steven Van Gucht is The Ghent University alumnus of the year 2022

He has played an incredibly important role in fighting the corona pandemic and makes regular appearances in the media. And on top of that, Steven Van Gucht can now claim the title of the very first ‘Ghent University alumnus of the year’.

The jury chose Steven Van Gucht as winner, due to his social impact, clear communication style founded on solid scientific knowledge and a clear lack of polarising behaviour in this challenging period.


It’s really touching, as I still feel at home at Ghent University. I was involved here for a total of eleven years. Six years for my veterinary medicine studies to start with, and then five years for my doctorate.

Steven Van Gucht, Ghent University alumnus of the year 2022

About Steven Van Gucht

Steven Van Gucht studied veterinary medicine at Ghent University and completed his doctorate in 2005. He is a virologist and head of the laboratory at Sciensano. His most memorable moment at Ghent University is when he dissected a grasshopper, worm, mussel and rat, as a first-year student at Ledeganckstraat.

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